1. はじめに
polygons, country boundariesafricontinent
polygons, continent outline including madagascarafrihighway
lines, trans african highway networkafricapitals
points, capital citiesafripop2020
raster grid, population density 2020 from WorldPop aggregated to 20km squaresafripop2000
raster grid, population density 2000 from WorldPop aggregated to 20km squares
2. インストール
3. つかってみる
library(afrilearndata) library(ggplot2) library(ggrepel) library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(kableExtra) dat <- africountries %>% mutate( centroid = st_centroid(geometry), x = st_coordinates(centroid)[, 1], y = st_coordinates(centroid)[, 2] ) %>% arrange(desc(pop_est)) dat %>% ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill = pop_est)) + coord_sf(datum = NA) + scale_fill_viridis_c(alpha = 0.6) + theme_void()+ geom_text_repel(aes(x = x, y = y, label = name), col="black", size = 3) table_df<-data.frame(Country=dat$name, Population=dat$pop_est) library(clipr) table_df %>% kable(align = "c", row.names=FALSE) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>% column_spec(1, bold = T) %>% collapse_rows(columns = 1, valign = "middle") %>% write_clip
Country | Population |
Nigeria | 190632261 |
Ethiopia | 105350020 |
Egypt | 97041072 |
Dem. Rep. Congo | 83301151 |
South Africa | 54841552 |
Tanzania | 53950935 |
Kenya | 47615739 |
Algeria | 40969443 |
Uganda | 39570125 |
Sudan | 37345935 |
Morocco | 33986655 |
Angola | 29310273 |
Ghana | 27499924 |
Mozambique | 26573706 |
Madagascar | 25054161 |
Cameroon | 24994885 |
Cote d’Ivoire | 24184810 |
Burkina Faso | 20107509 |
Niger | 19245344 |
Malawi | 19196246 |
Mali | 17885245 |
Zambia | 15972000 |
Senegal | 14668522 |
Zimbabwe | 13805084 |
S. Sudan | 13026129 |
Guinea | 12413867 |
Chad | 12075985 |
Rwanda | 11901484 |
Burundi | 11466756 |
Tunisia | 11403800 |
Benin | 11038805 |
Togo | 7965055 |
Somalia | 7531386 |
Libya | 6653210 |
Sierra Leone | 6163195 |
Eritrea | 5918919 |
Central African Rep. | 5625118 |
Congo | 4954674 |
Liberia | 4689021 |
Mauritania | 3758571 |
Somaliland | 3500000 |
Namibia | 2484780 |
Botswana | 2214858 |
Gambia | 2051363 |
Lesotho | 1958042 |
Guinea-Bissau | 1792338 |
Gabon | 1772255 |
eSwatini | 1467152 |
Djibouti | 865267 |
Eq. Guinea | 778358 |
W. Sahara | 603253 |
library(tmap) tm_shape(afripop2020) + tm_raster(palette = rev(viridisLite::magma(5)), breaks=c(0,2,20,200,2000,25000)) + tm_shape(africountries) + tm_borders("red", lwd = .7) + tm_shape(afrihighway) + tm_lines(col = "green", alpha=0.6) + tm_shape(africapitals) + tm_symbols(col = "blue", alpha=0.6, scale = .4 )+ tm_legend(show = FALSE)
4. さいごに