
1. はじめに

rgeodaは、libgeoda C++ libraryのWrapperでSpatial Data を扱うパッケージです。

2. インストール



3. つかってみる



guerry_path <- system.file("extdata", "Guerry.shp", package = "rgeoda")
guerry <- st_read(guerry_path)
> guerry
Simple feature collection with 85 features and 29 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 47680 ymin: 1703258 xmax: 1031401 ymax: 2677441
Projected CRS: NTF (Paris) / Lambert zone II
First 10 features:
   CODE_DE COUNT AVE_ID_ dept Region      Dprtmnt Crm_prs Crm_prp Litercy Donatns Infants Suicids MainCty Wealth Commerc
1       01     1      49    1      E          Ain   28870   15890      37    5098   33120   35039       2     73      58
2       02     1     812    2      N        Aisne   26226    5521      51    8901   14572   12831       2     22      10
3       03     1    1418    3      C       Allier   26747    7925      13   10973   17044  114121       2     61      66
4       04     1    1603    4      E Basses-Alpes   12935    7289      46    2733   23018   14238       1     76      49
5       05     1    1802    5      E Hautes-Alpes   17488    8174      69    6962   23076   16171       1     83      65
6       07     1    2249    7      S      Ardeche    9474   10263      27    3188   42117   52547       1     84       1
7       08     1   35395    8      N     Ardennes   35203    8847      67    6400   16106   26198       2     33       4
8       09     1    2526    9      S       Ariege    6173    9597      18    3542   22916  123625       1     72      60
9       10     1   34410   10      E         Aube   19602    4086      59    3608   18642   10989       2     14       3
10      11     1    2807   11      S         Aude   15647   10431      34    2582   20225   66498       2     17      35
   Clergy Crm_prn Infntcd Dntn_cl Lottery Desertn Instrct Prsttts Distanc Area Pop1831 TopCrm TopLit TopWealth
1      11      71      60      69      41      55      46      13 218.372 5762  346.03      1      0         1
2      82       4      82      36      38      82      24     327  65.945 7369  513.00      1      1         0
3      68      46      42      76      66      16      85      34 161.927 7340  298.26      1      0         1
4       5      70      12      37      80      32      29       2 351.399 6925  155.90      0      1         1
5      10      22      23      64      79      35       7       1 320.280 5549  129.10      0      1         1
6      28      76      47      67      70      19      62       1 279.413 5529  340.73      0      0         1
7      50      53      85      49      31      62       9      83 105.694 5229  289.62      1      1         0
8      39      74      28      63      75      22      77       3 385.313 4890  253.12      0      0         1
9      42      77      54       9      28      86      15     207  83.244 6004  246.36      0      1         0
10     15      80      35      27      50      63      48       1 370.949 6139  270.13      0      0         0
1  MULTIPOLYGON (((801150 2092...
2  MULTIPOLYGON (((729326 2521...
3  MULTIPOLYGON (((710830 2137...
4  MULTIPOLYGON (((882701 1920...
5  MULTIPOLYGON (((886504 1922...
6  MULTIPOLYGON (((747008 1925...
7  MULTIPOLYGON (((818893 2514...
8  MULTIPOLYGON (((509103 1747...
9  MULTIPOLYGON (((775400 2345...
10 MULTIPOLYGON (((626230 1810...

Queen Contiguity Weightsを計算してみます。

w <- queen_weights(guerry)
> w
Reference class object of class "Weight"
Field "gda_w":
An object of class "p_GeoDaWeight"
Slot "pointer":
<pointer: 0x000001e287506f30>

Field "is_symmetric":
[1] TRUE
Field "sparsity":
[1] 0.05813149
Field "min_neighbors":
[1] 2
Field "max_neighbors":
[1] 8
Field "num_obs":
[1] 85
Field "mean_neighbors":
[1] 4.941176
Field "median_neighbors":
[1] 5
Field "has_isolates":
> summary(w)
                     name              value
1 number of observations:                 85
2          is symmetric:                TRUE
3               sparsity: 0.0581314878892734
4        # min neighbors:                  2
5        # max neighbors:                  8
6       # mean neighbors:   4.94117647058824
7     # median neighbors:                  5
8           has isolates:              FALSE

Rook Contiguity Weightsはこちら。

rook_w <- rook_weights(guerry)
> summary(rook_w)
                     name              value
1 number of observations:                 85
2          is symmetric:                TRUE
3               sparsity: 0.0581314878892734
4        # min neighbors:                  2
5        # max neighbors:                  8
6       # mean neighbors:   4.94117647058824
7     # median neighbors:                  5
8           has isolates:              FALSE
K-Nearest Neighbor Weightsはこちら。

knn6_w <- knn_weights(guerry, 6)
> summary(knn6_w)
                     name              value
1 number of observations:                 85
2          is symmetric:               FALSE
3               sparsity: 0.0705882352941176
4        # min neighbors:                  6
5        # max neighbors:                  6
6       # mean neighbors:                  6
7     # median neighbors:                  6
8           has isolates:              FALSE

Local Indicators of Spatial Association–LISAもできます。以下の関数が提供されています。

  • Local Moran: local_moran(), local_moran_eb()
  • Local Geary: local_geary(), local_multigeary()
  • Local Getis-Ord statistics: local_g() and local_gstar()
  • Local Join Count: local_joincount(), local_bijoincount(), local_multijoincount()
  • Quantile LISA: local_quantilelisa(), local_multiquantilelisa()
  • Local Neighbor Match Test: neighbor_match_test()
crm_prs = guerry["Crm_prs"]
lisa <- local_moran(w, crm_prs)
> lisa
Reference class object of class "LISA"
Field "gda_lisa":
An object of class "p_LISA"
Slot "pointer":
<pointer: 0x000001e287594740>

Field "p_vals":
 [1] 0.197 0.013 0.023 0.068 0.111 0.045 0.281 0.048 0.183 0.004 0.002 0.052 0.106 0.002 0.266 0.267 0.017 0.401 0.091
[20] 0.123 0.219 0.281 0.206 0.035 0.371 0.301 0.119 0.001 0.011 0.189 0.463 0.024 0.014 0.272 0.021 0.423 0.067 0.426
[39] 0.061 0.458 0.125 0.145 0.433 0.145 0.197 0.011 0.187 0.130 0.017 0.197 0.002 0.210 0.092 0.080 0.471 0.077 0.032
[58] 0.331 0.061 0.037 0.154 0.170 0.309 0.036 0.158 0.205 0.059 0.183 0.003 0.048 0.342 0.100 0.358 0.443 0.290 0.075
[77] 0.034 0.026 0.060 0.005 0.310 0.122 0.064 0.494 0.126
Field "c_vals":
 [1] 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
[59] 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Field "lisa_vals":
 [1]  0.516120231  0.818275138  0.794086560  0.733161543  0.228467334  0.829040272  0.615280448  1.627415446 -0.019525625
[10]  0.687081885  1.707896579  0.821748275 -0.213568315  0.291316827 -0.184833414 -0.047198613  0.249972417  0.054411195
[19]  0.862095943  0.835368441  0.538432168 -0.050446242 -0.681022658  0.678851849 -0.105369231  0.038567922  1.116236578
[28]  1.168138859  0.162030880  0.069037225  0.021522359  1.000255304  0.276308094  0.423159405 -0.101271972  0.015647332
[37]  0.554846307 -0.027584417  0.111200075 -0.082994402  0.281817532 -0.048962443 -0.015839144  0.830286100 -0.160743989
[46]  1.597607483  0.396712769  0.862342357 -0.466396879  0.262343383  1.424738721 -0.379247703  0.388066026  0.316231271
[55]  0.068795845  0.405538158  0.977019076  0.202610060  0.714533504  0.601447598 -0.177594467  0.229608404  0.284505927
[64]  2.247991283  0.532787318  1.039424040 -0.129846379  0.136565215  1.033851456  1.238521154  0.296054062 -0.167632280
[73] -0.041663121  0.036396148 -0.055081083  1.166507105  0.773315084  0.523682291  0.851277285  0.884651013  0.025497212
[82] -0.326497225 -0.306819894  0.001277301 -0.125219240
Field "nn_vals":
 [1] 4 6 6 4 3 7 3 3 5 5 7 3 3 6 5 5 6 6 7 3 6 7 2 5 6 6 2 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 5 6 5 4 6 7 5 4 7 6 6 5 8 4 6 6 5 4 5 4 2 6 3 6
[59] 6 2 6 3 3 2 4 2 4 5 7 6 2 3 8 6 5 5 5 6 3 6 4 6 6 6 5
Field "labels":
[1] "Not significant" "High-High"       "Low-Low"         "Low-High"        "High-Low"        "Undefined"      
[7] "Isolated"       
Field "colors":
[1] "#eeeeee" "#FF0000" "#0000FF" "#a7adf9" "#f4ada8" "#464646" "#999999"

4. さいごに

Spatial Dataの解析に使えそうなパッケージです。

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