1. はじめに
2. インストール
3. つかってみる
library(ggimg) library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) posters <- mutate(posters, path = file.path(system.file("extdata", package="ggimg"), img) ) posters
> posters
# A tibble: 50 x 12
year title img rating_count gross genre rating runtime stars metacritic description path
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 2018 Incred~ 2018_in~ 226170 6.09e8 Animat~ PG 118 7.6 NA "The Incredibles he~ C:/Users/Dej~
2 2019 The Li~ 2019_th~ 168828 5.40e8 Animat~ PG 118 6.9 55 "After the murder o~ C:/Users/Dej~
3 2016 Findin~ 2016_fi~ 224980 4.86e8 Animat~ PG 97 7.3 NA "Friendly but forge~ C:/Users/Dej~
4 2004 Shrek 2 2004_sh~ 398797 4.36e8 Animat~ PG 93 7.2 NA "Princess Fiona's (~ C:/Users/Dej~
5 2019 Toy St~ 2019_to~ 159927 4.33e8 Animat~ G 100 7.8 NA "When a new toy cal~ C:/Users/Dej~
6 2010 Toy St~ 2010_to~ 719003 4.15e8 Animat~ G 103 8.3 NA "The toys are mista~ C:/Users/Dej~
7 2013 Frozen 2013_fr~ 545450 4.01e8 Animat~ PG 102 7.5 NA "When the newly cro~ C:/Users/Dej~
8 2003 Findin~ 2003_fi~ 903078 3.81e8 Animat~ G 100 8.1 NA "After his son is c~ C:/Users/Dej~
9 2016 The Se~ 2016_th~ 173603 3.68e8 Animat~ PG 87 6.5 NA "The quiet life of ~ C:/Users/Dej~
10 2013 Despic~ 2013_de~ 355343 3.68e8 Animat~ PG 98 7.3 NA "When Gru, the worl~ C:/Users/Dej~
ggplot(posters) + geom_rect_img(aes( xmin = year - 0.5, xmax = year + 0.5, ymin = stars - 0.25, ymax = stars + 0.25, img = path )) + theme_minimal() + labs(x="Released Year", y="Rated Star")
ggplot(posters) + geom_point_img(aes( x = year, y = runtime, img = path ), size = 0.8) + theme_minimal() + labs(x="Released Year", y="Runtime")
4. さいごに