
連機関であるFood and Agriculture Organization of United Nationsが報告しているナスの生産量を図示してみます。2018年のデータです。

データはFood and agriculture dataから取得しました。しかし、少し扱いにくかったので、多少編集したものをこちらの置いておきます。


dat <- read.csv("FAOSTAT_tometo_2018.csv", header = TRUE)

dat2 <- dat %>%
  select(-Flag) %>%
  drop_na() %>% 
  rename(val = Value) %>% 

table_df<-data.frame(Country=dat2$Area, Value=dat2$val)

sdat <- joinCountryData2Map(dat2, joinCode="NAME", nameJoinColumn="Area")
mapCountryData(sdat, nameColumnToPlot="val", catMethod="fixedWidth", mapTitle = "Tometo production [ton](2018)", addLegend = TRUE)

kable(table_df, align = "c") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold = T) %>%
  collapse_rows(columns = 1, valign = "middle") %>%
Country Value
China 61631581
India 19377000
United States of America 12612139
Turkey 12150000
Egypt 6624733
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 6577109
Italy 5798103
Spain 4768595
Mexico 4559375
Brazil 4110242
Nigeria 3913993
Russian Federation 2899664
Ukraine 2324070
Uzbekistan 2284217
Morocco 1409437
Tunisia 1357621
Portugal 1330482
Algeria 1309745
Cameroon 1068495
Indonesia 976790
Chile 951666
Poland 928826
Netherlands 910000
Jordan 839052
Greece 835940
Kazakhstan 765453
Romania 742899
Japan 724200
France 712019
Sudan 674378
Syrian Arab Republic 669000
Argentina 653485
Azerbaijan 609179
Kenya 599458
Malawi 583177
Cuba 553906
Pakistan 550979
South Africa 537257
Colombia 527313
Canada 497438
Tajikistan 443811
Australia 386376
Bangladesh 385038
Ghana 381015
United Republic of Tanzania 356094
Turkmenistan 350394
Israel 345109
Republic of Korea 344740
Mozambique 343170
Guatemala 331338
Saudi Arabia 312343
Lebanon 300157
Niger 289806
Albania 288626
Belarus 284672
Iraq 266294
Belgium 258680
Benin 253150
Peru 252998
Dominican Republic 242799
Kyrgyzstan 224737
Palestine 223224
Philippines 220825
Libya 215584
Mali 204698
Hungary 204000
Oman 199232
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 188235
North Macedonia 161621
Senegal 152756
Bulgaria 148077
Armenia 138124
Serbia 131869
Yemen 114297
Malaysia 109303
Thailand 109253
Germany 103266
Sri Lanka 101404
Kuwait 97991
Rwanda 93062
Nicaragua 80723
United Arab Emirates 78607
Honduras 76567
New Zealand 74356
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 66893
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 66080
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 64715
Austria 58154
Costa Rica 57238
Republic of Moldova 52120
Georgia 51700
Paraguay 50000
Democratic Republic of the Congo 49723
Bosnia and Herzegovina 43918
Ethiopia 43816
Switzerland 43243
Madagascar 41950
Cote d’Ivoire 40306
Uganda 39462
Finland 39315
Guyana 38563
Uruguay 35874
Ecuador 31891
Croatia 30950
Jamaica 30450
Zimbabwe 26580
Zambia 25873
Qatar 25105
Somalia 23962
Slovakia 22287
El Salvador 19915
Puerto Rico 18476
Sweden 18230
Panama 18183
Sierra Leone 18120
Angola 16842
Cyprus 15695
Cabo Verde 14702
Burkina Faso 14466
Norway 12801
Lithuania 12317
Denmark 11759
Malta 11119
Czechia 10080
Mauritius 9190
Namibia 9170
Slovenia 8392
Grenada 7111
Reunion 6444
Eswatini 6002
Bahamas 5979
Botswana 5737
Togo 5561
Martinique 5415
Guadeloupe 5239
Latvia 5178
Montenegro 4866
Bahrain 4114
French Guyana 4100
Congo 4051
Ireland 3900
Estonia 2975
Liberia 2754
Haiti 2454
Belize 2121
Trinidad and Tobago 1756
Djibouti 1666
Suriname 1532
French Polynesia 1306
Iceland 1213
Tonga 927
Barbados 706
Comoros 644
Timor-Leste 593
Papua New Guinea 566
Antigua and Barbuda 511
Seychelles 466
Fiji 448
Dominica 437
Bhutan 393
Gabon 385
Guam 289
Cook Islands 260
Saint Lucia 259
Montserrat 256
Saint Kitts and Nevis 174
Maldives 168
Brunei Darussalam 147
Bermuda 135
American Samoa 82
Singapore 65
Luxembourg 7
Cayman Islands 5

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