1. はじめに
2. インストール
3. つかってみる
library("ganttrify") ganttrify::test_project
> ganttrify::test_project
# A tibble: 11 x 4
wp activity start_date end_date
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 WP1 - Whatever admin 1.1. That admin activity 1 6
2 WP1 - Whatever admin 1.2. Another admin activity 3 6
3 WP1 - Whatever admin 1.3. Fancy admin activity 4 7
4 WP2 - Whatever actual work 2.1. Actual stuff 5 10
5 WP2 - Whatever actual work 2.2. Actual R&D stuff 6 12
6 WP2 - Whatever actual work 2.3. Really real research 9 12
7 WP2 - Whatever actual work 2.4. Ethics! 3 5
8 WP2 - Whatever actual work 2.4. Ethics! 8 9
9 WP3 - Dissemination 3.1. Disseminate near 6 9
10 WP3 - Dissemination 3.1. Disseminate near 12 12
11 WP3 - Dissemination 3.2. Disseminate far 8 12
ganttrify(project = ganttrify::test_project, project_start_date = "2021-03", font_family = "Roboto Condensed")
> ganttrify::test_spots
# A tibble: 6 x 3
activity spot_type spot_date
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1.1. That admin activity D 5
2 1.3. Fancy admin activity E 7
3 2.2. Actual R&D stuff O 7
4 2.2. Actual R&D stuff O 9
5 2.2. Actual R&D stuff O 11
6 WP2 - Whatever actual work M 6
ganttrify(project = ganttrify::test_project, spots = ganttrify::test_spots, project_start_date = "2021-03", size_text_relative = 1.2, mark_quarters = TRUE, font_family = "Roboto Condensed")+ ggplot2::labs(title = "My beautiful plans for 2020", subtitle = "I will definitely comply with the exact timing of each and all activities*", caption = "* I mean, I'll do my best, but if there's a pandemic or something, it's not my fault really")
4. さいごに